Transaction Policy for Seller

Last modified on 18 April, 2022

1.Max transaction limit for seller
Currently, the maximum price for any particular item is $3,000.

New seller account (register within 3 Months):
1. Currently, we limit the daily transaction limit for new sellers registered within 3 months to $700. In other currencies, the limit will be set close to $700.
2. For newly registered sellers who sell products with a cumulative total of more than $10,000 in a single month, their accounts may be restricted. Whether to grant the selling permission or not, depends on the ratings from the buyers and the materials that need to be submitted by the seller.
3. The same seller is prohibited from registering multiple seller accounts (2 or more).

Old seller account (registered more than 3 Months ago):
1. The cumulative sales limit for a single day is $6,000. In other currencies, the limit will be set close to $6,000.
2. The monthly cumulative sales limit is $50,000. In other currencies, the limit will be set close to $50,000.

X5P reserves the right to impose further transaction restrictions on sales.

2. About seller withdrawal
-The seller needs to sell an order worth $20 before withdrawing money.
-The minimum withdrawal amount is $20. It will take 2-3 working days to process when the withdrawal amount exceeding $2,000. The maximum amount in a single withdrawal is $10,000.
-The withdrawal channel may also charge intermediary fees and receiving fees. The seller is responsible for confirming the cost of the channel used before the withdrawal.
-The total amount received may be different after deducting the payment gateway receiver fee (if any).

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